The simple act of blowing a blast upon the trumpet by the army of Joshua around Jericho, and by Gideon's little band about the hosts of Midian, was made effectual, through the power of God, to overthrow the might of His enemies. The most complete system that men have ever devised, apart from the power and wisdom of God, will prove a failure, while the most unpromising methods will succeed when divinely appointed and entered upon with humility and faith. Trust in God and obedience to His will are as essential to the Christian in the spiritual warfare as to Gideon and Joshua in their battles with the Canaanites. By the repeated manifestations of His power in behalf of Israel, God would lead them to have faith in Him--with confidence to seek His help in every emergency. He is just as willing to work with the efforts of His people now and to accomplish great things through weak instrumentalities. All heaven awaits our demand upon its wisdom and strength. God is "able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think." Ephesians 3:20.

Patriarker og profeter kapitel 53. 285.     Fra side 553 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

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Hvis Herrens folk ville lægge vægt på sand ydmyghed, kunne han gøre langt mere for dem. Men hvor er der få, der ikke bliver selvsikre og glemmer deres afhængighed af Gud, når de får et stort ansvar betroet eller har fremgang. Dette er grunden til, at Herren forbigår dem, der er store, begavede og fremragende i verdens øjne, når han vælger folk til sit værk. Disse mennesker er alt for ofte stolte og selvsikre og føler, at de kan klare sig uden Guds hjælp.

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