The inhabitants of Ashdod were smitten with a distressing and fatal disease. Remembering the plagues that were inflicted upon Egypt by the God of Israel, the people attributed their afflictions to the presence of the ark among them. It was decided to convey it to Gath. But the plague followed close upon its removal, and the men of that city sent it to Ekron. Here the people received it with terror, crying, "They have brought about the ark of the God of Israel to us, to slay us and our people." They turned to their gods for protection, as the people of Gath and Ashdod had done; but the work of the destroyer went on, until, in their distress, "the cry of the city went up to heaven." Fearing longer to retain the ark among the homes of men, the people next placed it in the open field. There followed a plague of mice, which infested the land, destroying the products of the soil, both in the storehouse and in the field. Utter destruction, by disease or famine, now threatened the nation. For seven months the ark remained in Philistia, and during all this time the Israelites made no effort for its recovery. But the Philistines were now as anxious to free themselves from its presence 587 as they had been to obtain it. Instead of being a source of strength to them, it was a great burden and a heavy curse. Yet they knew not what course to pursue; for wherever it went the judgments of God followed. The people called for the princes of the nation, with the priests and diviners, and eagerly inquired, "What shall we do to the ark of Jehovah? tell us wherewith we shall send it to his place?" They were advised to return it with a costly trespass offering. "Then," said the priests, "ye shall be healed, and it shall be known to you why His hand is not removed from you."

Patriarker og profeter kapitel 57. 304.     Fra side 585 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Filisterne tager arken

Den gamle, blinde Eli blev i Silo, da hæren drog ud til kamp. Det var med bange anelser, at han ventede på kampens udfald, "thi hans hjerte var uroligt for Guds ark". Han tog plads ved indgangen til tabernaklet og sad her ved vejen dag efter dag og ventede på, at der skulle komme et sendebud fra slagmarken. Til sidst kom der løbende en benjaminit op ad bakken, der førte til byen. Han havde "sønderrevne klæder og jord på sit hoved". Han løb forbi den gamle mand ved vejen uden at lægge mærke til ham og skyndte sig videre til byen, hvor han fortalte de ivrige indbyggere om nederlaget og Israels tab.

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