It was now the time of wheat harvest, and the men of Beth-shemesh were reaping in the valley. "And they lifted up their eyes, and saw the ark, and rejoiced to see it. And the cart came into the field of Joshua, a Beth-shemite, and stood there, where there was a great stone: and they clave the wood of the cart, and offered the kine of burnt-offering unto the Lord." The lords of the Philistines, who had followed the ark "unto the border of Beth-shemesh," and had witnessed its reception, now returned to 589 Ekron. The plague had ceased, and they were convinced that their calamities had been a judgment from the God of Israel. The men of Beth-shemesh quickly spread the tidings that the ark was in their possession, and the people from the surrounding country flocked to welcome its return. The ark had been placed upon the stone that first served for an altar, and before it additional sacrifices were offered unto the Lord. Had the worshipers repented of their sins, God's blessing would have attended them. But they were not faithfully obeying His law; and while they rejoiced at the return of the ark as a harbinger of good, they had no true sense of its sacredness. Instead of preparing a suitable place for its reception, they permitted it to remain in the harvest field. As they continued to gaze upon the sacred chest and to talk of the wonderful manner in which it had been restored, they began to conjecture wherein lay its peculiar power. At last, overcome by curiosity, they removed the coverings and ventured to open it.

Patriarker og profeter kapitel 57. 305.     Fra side 587 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Filisterne tager arken

Det var på grund af denne overtro, at filisterfyrsterne sagde, at folket skulle lave afbilleder af det, der havde plaget dem, nemlig "fem guldbylder og fem guldmus svarende til tallet på filisterfyrsterne; thi," sagde de "det er en og samme plage, der har ramt Eder og Eders fyrster".

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