And the Lord said unto Samuel: "Hearken unto the voice of the people in all that they say unto thee: for they have not rejected thee, but they have rejected Me, that I should not reign over them. According to all the works which they have done since the day that I brought them up out of Egypt even unto this day, wherewith they have forsaken Me, and served other gods, so do they also unto thee." The prophet was reproved for grieving at the conduct of the people toward himself as an individual. They had not manifested disrespect for him, but for the authority of God, who had appointed the rulers of His people. Those who despise and reject the faithful servant of God show contempt, not merely for the man, but for the Master who sent him. It is God's words, His reproofs and counsel, that are set at nought; it is His authority that is rejected.

Patriarker og profeter kapitel 59. 313.     Fra side 603 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Israels første konge

Herren forudså, at Israel ville begære at få en konge, men han forandrede ikke de principper, som dannede grundlaget for staten. Kongen skulle være den Allerhøjestes viceregent. Gud skulle anerkendes som nationens overhoved, og hans lov skulle være landets grundlov.

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