Saul opened his heart to the spirit of jealousy by which his soul was poisoned. Notwithstanding the lessons which he had received from the prophet Samuel, instructing him that God would accomplish whatsoever He chose, and that no one could hinder it, the king made it evident that he had no true knowledge of the plans or power of God. The monarch of Israel was opposing his will to the will of the Infinite One. Saul had not learned, while ruling the kingdom of Israel, that he should rule his own spirit. He allowed his impulses to control his judgment, until he was plunged into a fury of passion. He had paroxysms of rage, when he was ready to take the life of any who dared oppose his will. From this frenzy he would pass into a state of despondency and self-contempt, and remorse would take possession of his soul.

Patriarker og profeter kapitel 64. 339.     Fra side 650 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

David på flugt

Saul gav skinsygens ånd, som allerede havde forgiftet hans sjæl, indpas i sit hjerte. Til trods for, at profeten Samuel havde fortalt ham, at Gud ville gennemføre sin vilje under alle omstændigheder, og at ingen var i stand til at forhindre ham deri, viste kongen, at han hverken havde den rette forståelse af Guds planer eller af hans magt. Israels konge satte sin vilje op imod Guds vilje. Saul havde ikke lært i sin regeringstid, at han havde pligt til at beherske sit eget sind. Han lod sine indskydelser tage magten over dømmekraften og kastede sig til sidst ud i et blindt raseri. Under sine raserianfald kunne han finde på at dræbe enhver, der vovede at trodse hans vilje. Når anfaldet var ovre, blev han grebet af fortvivlelse, selvforagt og samvittighedsnag.

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