At the time of the new moon a sacred festival was celebrated in Israel. This festival recurred upon the day following the interview between David and Jonathan. At this feast it was expected that both the young men would appear at the king's table; but David feared to be present, and it was arranged that 655 he should visit his brothers in Bethlehem. On his return he was to hide himself in a field not far from the banqueting hall, for three days absenting himself from the presence of the king; and Jonathan would note the effect upon Saul. If inquiry should be made as to the whereabouts of the son of Jesse, Jonathan was to say that he had gone home to attend the sacrifice offered by his father's household. If no angry demonstrations were made by the king, but he should answer, "It is well," then it would be safe for David to return to the court. But if he should become enraged at his absence, it would decide the matter of David's flight.

Patriarker og profeter kapitel 64. 341.     Fra side 654 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

David på flugt

På nymånedagen blev der holdt en religiøs fest i Israel. Den indtraf netop dagen efter, at David og Jonatan havde talt sammen. Begge de unge mænd skulle sidde ved kongens bord til festen, men David turde ikke komme, og det blev aftalt, at han skulle besøge sine brødre i Betlehem. Når han kom tilbage, skulle han skjule sig på en mark i nærheden af festsalen og holde sig borte fra kongen i tre dage. Jonatan skulle så lægge mærke til kongens reaktion. Hvis Saul spurgte, hvor Isajs søn var, skulle Jonatan sige, at han var gået hjem for at deltage i sin slægts slagtoffer. Hvis kongen ikke blev vred herover, men blot sagde: "Godt!" kunne David roligt komme tilbage til hoffet, men hvis Saul blev vred over, at David ikke var til stede, skulle David flygte.

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