David's conclusion that Saul would certainly accomplish his murderous purpose was formed without the counsel of God. Even while Saul was plotting and seeking to accomplish his destruction, the Lord was working to secure David the kingdom. God works out His plans, though to human eyes they are veiled in mystery. Men cannot understand the ways of God; and, looking at appearances, they interpret the trials and tests and provings that God permits to come upon them as things that are against them, and that will only work their ruin. Thus David looked on appearances, and not at the promises of God. He doubted that he would ever come to the throne. Long trials had wearied his faith and exhausted his patience.

Patriarker og profeter kapitel 65. 349.     Fra side 672 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Davids ædelmodighed

Herren sendte ikke David over til Israels værste fjender filisterne for at beskytte ham. Dette folk ville vedblive at være nogle af hans værste fjender lige til det sidste, men til trods herfor søgte han hjælp hos dem, da han var i vanskeligheder. Han havde fuldstændig mistet tilliden til Saul og hans folk og overgav sig på nåde og unåde til sit folks fjender. David var en tapper hærfører og havde vist, at han var en klog og dygtig kriger, men han modarbejdede sine egne interesser, da han drog over til filisterne. Det var Herrens vilje, at han skulle plante sin fane i Judas land, og det var af mangel på tro, at han forlod sin post uden Herrens tilladelse.

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