Absalom set forth for Hebron, and there went with him "two hundred men out of Jerusalem, that were called; and they went in their simplicity, and they knew not anything." These men went with Absalom, little thinking that their love for the son was leading them into rebellion against the father. Upon arriving at Hebron, Absalom immediately summoned Ahithophel, one of the 731 chief counselors of David, a man in high repute for wisdom, whose opinion was thought to be as safe and wise as that of an oracle. Ahithophel joined the conspirators, and his support made the cause of Absalom appear certain of success, attracting to his standard many influential men from all parts of the land. As the trumpet of revolt was sounded, the prince's spies throughout the country spread the tidings that Absalom was king, and many of the people gathered to him.

Patriarker og profeter kapitel 72. 382.     Fra side 730 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Absaloms oprør

Da Absalom drog mod Hebron, var han ledsaget af "200 mænd, som han havde indbudt, og som drog med i god tro uden at vide af noget". De anede ikke, at deres kærlighed til sønnen ville drage dem ind i et oprør imod faderen. Da Absalom ankom til Hebron, sendte han øjeblikkelig bud efter Akitofel, som var en af Davids ypperste rådgivere. Denne mand var vidt berømt for sin visdom, og hans råd blev anset for at være lige så værdifulde som et orakelsvar. Akitofel sluttede sig til de sammensvorne. Med hans støtte syntes Absaloms sejr at være sikret, og mange indflydelsesrige mænd fra alle dele af landet samlede sig under kongesønnens banner. Da oprørssignalet blev givet, udbredte prinsens folk det rygte i hele landet, at Absalom var blevet konge, og flere og flere af folket gik over til ham.

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