With Judas an element of antagonism was introduced among the disciples. In connecting himself with Jesus he had responded to the attraction of His character and life. He had sincerely desired a change in himself, and had hoped to experience this through a union with Jesus. But this desire did not become predominant. That which ruled him was the hope of selfish benefit in the worldly kingdom which he expected Christ to establish. Though recognizing the divine power of the love of Christ, Judas did not yield to its supremacy. He continued to cherish his own judgment and opinions, his disposition to criticize and condemn. Christ's motives and movements, often so far above his comprehension, excited doubt and disapproval, and his own questionings and ambitions 92 were insinuated to the disciples. Many of their contentions for supremacy, much of their dissatisfaction with Christ's methods, originated with Judas.

Uddannelse kapitel 9. 92.     Fra side 92 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

En skildring af hans fremgangsmåde

Fordi han modstod barmhjertighedens tryglen, vandt de onde tilbøjeligheder til sidst herredømmet. Judas, der var vred over en irettesættelse, han havde fået, og rasende over at se sine ærgerrige drømme skuffede, overgav sin sjæl til begærlighedens djævel og besluttede sig til at forråde sin Mester. Fra den sal, hvor de holdt påske, fra glæden ved Kristi nærværelse og lyset fra det evige håb gik han hen for at udføre sin onde gerning ud i det fuldkomne mørke, hvor der ikke fandtes noget håb.

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