I saw that the high standard should not be lowered in the least in order that the institution may be patronized by unbelievers. If unbelievers choose to come while its conductors occupy the exalted spiritual position which God designs they should, there will be a power that will affect their hearts. With God and angels on their side, His commandment-keeping people can but prosper. This institution is not to be established for the object of gain, but to aid in bringing God’s people into such a condition of physical and mental health as will enable them to rightly appreciate eternal things and to correctly value the redemption so dearly purchased by the sufferings of our Saviour. This institution is not to be made a place for diversion or amusement. Those who cannot live unless they have excitement and diversion will be of no use to the world; none are made better for their living. They might just as well be out of the world as to be in it. {1T 564.2}

Vidnesbyrd for menigheden bind 1 kapitel 100. 565.     Fra side 565 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Sundhed og religion

Jeg så at det synspunkt at åndelighed er til skade for sundheden, som dr E forsøgte at indprente i andres sind, kun er djævelens fordrejninger. Satan fandt sin metode i eden og fik Eva til at tro at hun manglede noget mere end den, som Gud havde givet til hendes lykke. Han fik hende til at tro den forbudne frugt ville have en særlig oplivende påvirkning på hendes legeme og sind og vil ophøje hende, til endda at være Gud lig i kundskab. Men den kundskab og de fordele hun troede hun ville vinde, viste sig at være en forfærdelig forbandelse for hende.

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