We returned to Middletown, where we had left our child during our western journey. And now a painful duty presented itself. For the good of souls we felt that we must sacrifice the company of our little Henry, that we might give ourselves unreservedly to the work. My health was poor, and he would necessarily occupy a great share of my time. It was a severe trial, yet I dared not let the child stand in the way of my duty. I believed that the Lord had spared him to us when he was very sick, and that if I should let him hinder me from doing my duty, God would remove him from me. Alone before the Lord, with most painful feelings and many tears, I made the sacrifice, and gave up my only child, then one year old, for another to exercise a mother’s feelings toward him, and to act a mother’s part. We left him in Brother Howland’s family, in whom we had the utmost confidence. They were willing to bear burdens to leave us as free as possible to labor in the cause of God. We knew that they could take better care of Henry than we could while journeying, and that it was for his good to have a steady home and good discipline. It was hard parting with my child. His sad little face, as I left him, was before me night and day; yet in the strength of the Lord I put him out of my mind, and sought to do others good. Brother Howland’s family had the whole charge of Henry for five years. {1T 86.5}

Vidnesbyrd for menigheden bind 1 kapitel 11. 86.     Fra side 86 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Ægteskab og efterfølgende arbejde

Vor første konference i New York blev afholdt i Volney i en brors lade. Omkring femogtredive var til stede - alle, som kunne samles i den del af staten. Men i denne gruppe var det svært at finde to, der var enige. Nogle havde alvorlige vildfarelser, og enhver fremhævede ihærdigt sine egne synspunkter og erklærede, at de var i overensstemmelse med Skriften.

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