When we received the light upon the fourth commandment, there were about twenty-five Adventists in Maine who observed the Sabbath; but these were so diverse in sentiment upon other points of doctrine, and so scattered in location, that their influence was very small. There was about the same number, in similar condition, in other parts of New England. It seemed to be our duty to visit these frequently at their homes, and strengthen them in the Lord and in His truth, and as they were so much scattered, it was necessary for us to be on the road much of the time. For want of means we took the cheapest private conveyance, second-class cars, and lower-deck passage on steamers. In my feeble condition I found traveling by private conveyance most comfortable. When on second-class cars, we were usually enveloped in tobacco smoke, from the effects of which I often fainted. When on steamers, on lower deck, we suffered the same from the smoke of tobacco, besides the swearing and vulgar conversation of the ship hands and the baser portion of the traveling public. At night we lay down to sleep on the hard floor, dry goods boxes, or sacks of grain, with carpetbags for pillows, and overcoats and shawls for covering. If suffering from the winter’s cold, we would walk the deck to keep warm. When oppressed by the heat of summer, we would go upon the upper deck to secure the cool night air. This was fatiguing to me, especially when traveling with an infant in my arms. This manner of life was by no means one of our choosing. God called us in our poverty, and led us through the furnace of affliction, to give us an experience which should be of great worth to us, and an example to others who should afterward join us in labor. {1T 77.1}

Vidnesbyrd for menigheden bind 1 kapitel 11. 75.     Fra side 75 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Ægteskab og efterfølgende arbejde

Til at begynde med var jeg meget genert, når jeg skulle tale offentligt. Dersom jeg havde en sikker fremtræden, blev den givet mig af Helligånden. Dersom jeg talte med frihed og kraft, blev det mig givet af Gud. Vore møder blev sædvanligvis holdt på en sådan måde, at vi begge tog del i dem. Min mand holdt en prædiken om læresætninger, hvorefter jeg fulgte op med en formaning af betydelig længde, idet jeg banede vej ind til forsamlingens følelser. Således såede min mand, og jeg vandede sandhedens sæd, og Gud gav væksten.

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