“I think my health has suffered from keeping the Sabbath alone in my chamber, in the cold; but I did not think I could keep it where all manner of work and worldly conversation was the order of the day, as with Sundaykeepers. I think it is the most laborious working day with those who keep first day. Indeed, it does not seem to me that the best of Sundaykeepers observe any day as they should. Oh, how I long to be again with Sabbathkeepers! Sister White will want to see me in the reform dress. Will she be so kind as to send me a pattern, and I will pay her when I get there. I suppose I shall need to be fitted out when I get among you. I like it much. Sister Thompson thinks she would like to wear the reform dress. {1T 672.1}

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Hannah Mores historie

"Nu kan du se at jeg stadigvæk er genstand for Guds barmhjertighed og trofasthed under sin hjemsøgelse af sine børn. Med villighed hjemsøger og bedrøver han ikke menneskebørnene; men nogen gange er prøvelser nødvendige som en tugt, for at vænne os af med jordens lyster -

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