Said the angel: “Hear, O heavens, the cry of the oppressed, and reward the oppressors double according to their deeds.” This nation will yet be humbled into the dust. England is studying whether it is best to take advantage of the present weak condition of our nation, and venture to make war upon her. She is weighing the matter, and trying to sound other nations. She fears, if she should commence war abroad, that she would be weak at home, and that other nations would take advantage of her weakness. Other nations are making quiet yet active preparations for war, and are hoping that England will make war with our nation, for then they would improve the opportunity to be revenged on her for the advantage she has taken of them in the past and the injustice done them. A portion of the queen’s subjects are waiting a favorable opportunity to break their yoke; but if England thinks it will pay, she will not hesitate a moment to improve her opportunities to exercise her power and humble our nation. When England does declare war, all nations will have an interest of their own to serve, and there will be general war, general confusion. England is acquainted with the diversity of feeling among those who are seeking to quell the rebellion. She well knows the perplexed condition of our Government; she has looked with astonishment at the prosecution of this war—the slow, inefficient moves, the inactivity of our armies, and the ruinous expenses of our nation. The weakness of our Government is fully open before other nations, and they now conclude that it is because it was not a monarchial government, and they admire their own government, and look down, some with pity, others with contempt, upon our nation, which they have regarded as the most powerful upon the globe. Had our nation remained united it would have had strength, but divided it must fall. {1T 259.1}

Vidnesbyrd for menigheden bind 1 kapitel 53. 259.     Fra side 259 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Vidnesbyrd 7(1862)
Nordstaterne og sydstaterne

Englen sagde: "Hør, oh himle, de undertryktes råb og de undertryktes løn fordobles i forhold gerninger." Denne nation vil blive ydmyget til støvet. England ser efter hvorvidt det er godt og udnytte sig af vor nations nuværende svære tilstand og våge at bekrige hende. Hun vejer sagen og prøver at lytte til andre nationer. Hun frygter at hvis hun skulle starte en krig derude, ville hun blive svag hjemme og at andre nationer vil udnytte hendes svaghed. Andre nationer gør stadig fredelige forberedelser til krig og håber at England vil føre krig med vor nation, for så vil de udnytte anledningen til at hævne sig på hende for den fordel hun tog af dem, fra tidligere og fra den uret der dem gjort. En del af dronningens mål er at få en gunstig anledning til at bryde deres åg; men hvis England tænker at de vil betale for det, vil hun ikke vakle et øjeblik med at udnytte sine anledninger til at udøve hendes magt og ydmyge vor nation. Når England erklærer krig, vil alle nationer have en interesse for sine egne og der vil blive en storkrig, en stor forvirring. England kender til forskellighed i følelserne blandt dem, som søger at undertrykke et oprør. Hun kender godt den forvirrende tilstand i vor regering; hun har set med forbavselse på denne krigsanklage - de langsomme virkningsløse bevægelser, vore hæres uvirksomhed og vor nations ruinerende udgifter. Vor regerings svaghed er åbenlys for andre nationer og nu konkluderer de, at det var fordi det ikke er en monarkistisk regering og de beundrer deres egen regering, ser ned, nogle med medlidenhed, for andre (260) med foragt, på vor nation, som de ellers har betragtet, som den mest magtfulde på kloden. Havde vor nation forblevet i enhed ville den have haft styrke, men i splid må den falde.

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