I saw that these brethren could benefit the cause of God by attending, as often as practicable, convocation meetings at a distance from their place of labor. The work committed to them is important, and they need healthy nerves and brains; but it is impossible for their minds to be enlivened and invigorated as God would have them, while they are incessantly confined at the office. I was shown that it would be a benefit to the cause at large for these men, standing at the head of the work at Battle Creek, to become acquainted with their brethren abroad by associating with them in meeting. It will give the brethren abroad confidence in those who are bearing the responsibilities of the work, and will relieve these brethren of the taxation upon the brain, and will make them better acquainted with the progress of the work and the wants of the cause. It will enliven their hope, renew their faith, and increase their courage. Time thus taken will not be lost, but will be spent to the very best advantage. These brethren have qualities which render them in the highest degree capable of enjoying social life. They would enjoy their stay at the homes of brethren abroad, and would benefit and be benefited by interchange of thought and views. {1T 516.1}

Vidnesbyrd for menigheden bind 1 kapitel 87. 516.     Fra side 516 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Rekreation for kristne

Jeg så at disse brødre kunne gavne Guds sag ved at, så vidt muligt, deltage i præstemøder et stykke fra det sted hvor de arbejder. Det arbejde de har fået betroet er betydningsfuldt og de behøver gode nerver og en god forstand; men det er umuligt at få deres tanker oplivet og styrket hvad Gud vil have dem til, når de hele tiden er på kontoret. Jeg fik vist at det i det store hele ville gavne for sagen for disse mænd, der stod ved arbejdets hoved i Battle Creek, at blive kendt med deres brødre derude, ved at de samledes til møder. Det vil give brødrene derude tillid til dem, som bærer ansvar for arbejdet og dette vil oplive disse brødre til at tænke bedre og de vil bedre blive kendt med arbejdets udbredelse sagens mangler. Det vil oplive deres håb, forny deres tro og forøge deres mod. Den tid det tager, vil ikke være spildt, men vil blive brugt til den allerbedste gavn. Disse brødre har egenskaber, som i højeste grad gør dem egnede til at nyde socialt samvær. De vil nyde at komme hjemmefra, til brødrene derude og vil være til gavn og vil selv blive gavnet af at udveksle tanker og synspunkter.

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