I have been shown that God’s people who profess to believe present truth are not in a waiting, watching position. They are increasing in riches and are laying up their treasures upon the earth. They are becoming rich in worldly things, but not rich toward God. They do not believe in the shortness of time; they do not believe that the end of all things is at hand, that Christ is at the door. They may profess much faith; but they deceive their own souls, for they will act out all the faith that they really possess. Their works show the character of their faith and testify to those around them that the coming of Christ is not to be in this generation. According to their faith will be their works. Their preparations are being made to remain in this world. They are adding house to house, and land to land, and are citizens of this world. {2T 196.2}

Vidnesbyrd for menigheden bind 2 kapitel 29. 195.     Fra side 195 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Verdslighed i menigheden

Jeg er blevet vist at Guds folk som bekender sig til at tro nærværende sandhed ikke er i en afventende og vågende position. De forøger rigdomme og samler skatte på jorden. De bliver rige i verdslige ting, men ikke rige over for Gud. De tor ikke på at tiden er kort; de tror ikke at alle tings ende er nær, at Kristus er ved døren. De kan bekende sig til megen tro; men de bedrager deres egne sjæle, for de vil ikke omsætte den tro de virkelig har til handling. Deres gerninger viser karakteren af deres tro og vidner for dem rundt omkring at Kristi komme ikke skal være i denne slægt. Sådan som deres tro er, sådan vil deres gerninger være. Deres beredelse er at forblive i denne verden. De lægger hus (197) til hus og land til land og er denne verdens beboere.

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