Brother R, you are now in danger of making total shipwreck of your faith. You have sinned greatly. But your sin in seeking to cover up, and blind the eyes of those who have suspected you of wrong, has been tenfold greater. All have not acted as prudently and with as much love and care as the Lord would have been pleased to have them, in order to redeem you. But when you tried to put on an air of injured innocence, did you think that God could not see your wrong course? Did you think that He who made man out of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, could not discern the intents and purposes of the heart? You have thought that if you should confess your sin you would lose your honor—your life, as it were. You thought that your brethren would have no confidence in you. You have not viewed matters in the right light. It is a shame to sin, but always an honor to confess sin. {2T 300.2}

Vidnesbyrd for menigheden bind 2 kapitel 43. 300.     Fra side 300 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Mandens og hustruens pligter

Bror R, du er nu i fare for at gøre din tros totale skibbrud. Du har begået en stor synd. Din synd med at dække til og forblinde deres øjne som har mistænkt dig for at fejle, er blevet ti gange større. Alle har ikke handlet så klogt og med så megen kærlighed og omsorg som Herren ville finde behag for, så du kunne indløses. Troede du ikke at Gud kunne se din forkerte handling da du prøvede at spille troskyldig? Troede du at han som gjorde mennesket ud af støvet og blæste livsånde i dets næsebor, ikke kan se hjertets agt og hensigt? Du har troet at hvis du skulle bekende dine synder ville du miste din ære - dit liv, som det var. Du troede at dine brødre ikke ville have tillid til dig. Du har ikke set sagerne i det rigtige lys. Det er en skam at synde, men altid en ære at bekende synd.

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