Chapter 44—The Unruly Member Dear Sister S, Some things have been shown me in reference to you. You have not a sense of your true state. You need a deep and thorough work of grace in your heart. You need to set your heart and your house in order. Your example in your family is not worthy of imitation. You come up to a low standard, but fail to reach the standard elevated by our divine Lord. You love to visit and talk, and you say many things unbecoming a Christian. Your statements are exaggerated and frequently come far from the truth. Your words and acts will judge you in the last day. By them you will be justified or by them condemned. Your education has not been of an ennobling character, therefore there is the greatest necessity of your now training and educating yourself to purity of thought and action. Train your thoughts so that it will be easy for them to dwell upon pure and holy things. Cultivate a love for spirituality and true godliness. {2T 314.3}

Vidnesbyrd for menigheden bind 2 kapitel 46. 318.     Fra side 318 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Trøst i sorgen

Kære søster T: Dine sorger er blevet mig bekendt og jeg skynder mig at skrive nogle få linjer. Min kære søster, jeg har det allerbedste bevis på at Herren elsker dig. I mit sidste syn fik jeg vist din sag iblandt andres. Jeg så at du har været plaget i fortiden med den forkerte opførsel som andre havde udvist; men samvittighedsfuld som du er og altid ivrig efter at kende det rigtige, var du meget følsom og anså din sag for værre end den var.

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