May the Lord convict you of these things as you read these lines. I entreat of you to put on the meek dignity of a wife and mother. There is a responsibility resting upon the father. Your efforts should be united to control your son, who is fast traveling the road to perdition. You should earnestly seek for the inward adorning, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price. With patience, grace, and sweet humility you can teach your poor, deceived boy the first principles of Christianity, and true politeness, or Christian courtesy. You are frequently hasty and boisterous. Oh, how important that you see the work to be done for you, before it shall be forever too late! Now Jesus invites you to come to Him, and to learn of Him, for He is meek and lowly of heart. The promise He has given you is sure, that you will find rest in Him. You have a great work to do. Deceive not your own souls, but examine yourselves as in the light of eternity. It is impossible for you to be saved as you are. {2T 316.1}

Vidnesbyrd for menigheden bind 2 kapitel 46. 319.     Fra side 319 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Trøst i sorgen

Jeg vil gerne sige, min søster, du behøver ikke at bortlægge al tillid. Din stakkels, skælvende sjæl, hvil på Guds løfter. Gør du dette vil fjendens lænker brydes, hans list vil være forgæves. Læg ikke mærke til fjendens hvisken. Gå frit frem, fortrykte sjæl. Vær af ved godt mod. Sig til dit stakkels fortvivlede hjerte: »Bi efter Gud, thi end skal jeg takke ham, mit Åsyns Frelse og min Gud!« Jeg ved at Gud elsker dig. Sæt din lid til ham. Tænk ikke på de ting som bringer sorg og pine; vend dig fra enhver ubehagelig tanke og tænk på den dyrebare Jesus. Dvæl ved hans frelsende magt, hans udødelige, uforlignelige kærlighed for dig, endda dig. Hvis du ikke kan stole på din egen tro, så stol på andres tro. Vi tror og håber for dig. Gud accepterer vor tro til din fordel.

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