From what was shown me, Sabbathkeeping Adventists have but a feeble sense of how large a place the world and selfishness hold in their hearts. If you have a desire to do good and glorify God, there are many ways in which you can do it. But you have not felt that this was the result of true religion. This is the fruit which every good tree will produce. You have not felt that it was required of you to be interested in others, to make their cases your own, and to manifest an unselfish interest for the very ones who stand most in need of help. You have not reached out to help the most needy, the most helpless. Had you children of your own to call into exercise care, affection, and love, you would not be so much shut up to yourselves and to your own interests. If those who have no children, and whom God has made stewards of means, would expand their hearts to care for children who need love, care, and affection, and assistance with this world’s goods, they would be far happier than they are today. So long as youth who have not a father’s pitying care nor a mother’s tender love are exposed to the corrupting influences of these last days, it is somebody’s duty to supply the place of father and mother to some of them. Learn to give them love, affection, and sympathy. All who profess to have a Father in heaven, who they hope will care for them and finally take them to the home He has prepared for them, ought to feel a solemn obligation resting upon them to be friends to the friendless and fathers to the orphans, to aid the widows, and be of some practical use in this world by benefiting humanity. Many have not viewed these things in a right light. If they live merely for themselves, they will have no greater strength than this calls for. {2T 328.3}

Vidnesbyrd for menigheden bind 2 kapitel 51. 335.     Fra side 335 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Appel til prædikanter

Gud kræver sjælens ydmyghed og ydmyge bekendelser fra prædikanter hvis gerninger ikke er blevet udført i ham. Jeg er blevet citeret af mænd som havde nogle verdslige virksomheder. De er klar over at hvis de skal nå deres mål må de anstrenge sig meget. De ofrer hjemmets ro og kærlighed og må lide afsavn; de er ihærdige, energiske og brændende. Vore prædikanter viser ikke engang den halve iver som disse der sikrer sig jordisk vinding udviser. De er ikke så spændte efter deres mål, heller ikke så alvorlige i deres anstrengelser; de er ikke så udholdende og ikke så villige til at fornægte sig selv, som dem der involverer sig i verdslige beskæftigelser.

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