I was shown that should professed Christians cultivate more affection and kind regard in caring for others, they would be repaid fourfold. God marks. He knows for what object we live, and whether our living is put to the very best account for poor, fallen humanity, or whether our eyes are eclipsed to everything but our own interest, and to everyone but our own poor selves. I entreat you, in behalf of Christ, in behalf of your own souls, and in behalf of the youth, not to think so lightly of this matter as many do. It is a grave, a serious thing, and affects your interest in the kingdom of Christ, inasmuch as the salvation of precious souls is involved. Why is it not a duty which God enjoins upon you who are able, to expend something for the benefit of the homeless, even though they may be ignorant and undisciplined? Shall you study to labor only in the direction where you will receive the most selfish pleasure and profit? It is not meet for you to neglect the divine favor that Heaven offers you if you will care for those who need your care, and thus let God knock in vain at your door. He stands there in the person of the poor, the homeless orphans, and the afflicted widows, who need love, sympathy, affection, and encouragement. If you do it not unto one of these, you would not do it unto Christ were He upon the earth. {2T 329.2}

Vidnesbyrd for menigheden bind 2 kapitel 51. 336.     Fra side 336 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Appel til prædikanter

Dem som er i Kristi sted og bønfalder sjæle om at forliges med Gud, burde ved regler og eksempel vise en udødelig interesse for sjæles frelse. Deres alvor, udholdenhed, selvfornægtelse og opofrelse burde overgå de jordiskelskendes alvor og flid lige så meget som sjælen er mere dyrebar end jordisk bras og målet mere ophøjet end jordiske foretagender. Alle jordiske virksomheder er ubetydelige sammenlignet med det sjælevindende arbejde. Jordiske sager er ikke varige, selv om de koster så meget. Når blot en sjæl er frelst vil der skinne lys i himlens rige ud over de evige tider.

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