Not all who are preaching the truth realize that their testimony and example are deciding the destiny of souls. If they are unfaithful in their mission, and become careless in their work, souls will be lost as the result. If they are self-sacrificing and faithful in the work which the Master has given them to do, they will be instrumental in the salvation of many. Some permit trifles to divert them from the work. Bad roads, rainy weather, or little matters at home are sufficient excuses for them to leave the work of laboring for souls. And frequently this is done at the most important time in the work. When an interest has been raised and the minds of the people are agitated, the interest is left to die out because the minister chooses a more pleasant and easy field. Those who pursue this course show plainly that they do not have the burden of the work upon them. They wish to be carried by the people. They are not willing to endure the privations and hardships which are ever the lot of a true shepherd. {2T 338.2}

Vidnesbyrd for menigheden bind 2 kapitel 52. 350.     Fra side 350 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Moralsk besmittelse

Denne mand havde en gammel, grundfæstet vane at besejre. Han var midaldrende. Hans moralske principper var så svage, at de blev overvundet, når de kom i modstrid med en gammel, grundfæstet (351) svaghed. De lavere lidenskaber havde fået overtaget over den højere natur. Jeg spurgte ham ud angående helsereformen. Han sagde, at han ikke kunne leve efter den. Hans hustru ville kaste grahamsmel ud gennem døren, dersom det blev bragt ind i huset. Denne familie havde fået hjælp af menigheden og der var blevet holdt bøn for dem. Barnet døde, hustruen var syg, medens manden og faderen ville overlade det til os at bringe hans sag frem for en ren og hellig Gud, for at han måtte kunne gøre et under og gøre ham rask. De moralske begreber hos denne mand var stivnede.

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