Had you taken your position upon the health reform; had you added to your faith virtue, to virtue knowledge, and to knowledge temperance, things might have been different. But you have been only partially aroused by the iniquity and corruption that is in your houses. You have opened your eyes a little and then composed yourself to sleep again. Do you think angels can come into your dwellings? Do you think your children are susceptible of holy influences with these things among you? I can count family after family that are almost entirely under the control of Satan. I know these things are true, and I want the people to arouse before it shall be eternally too late, and the blood of souls, even the blood of the souls of their own children, be found upon their garments. {2T 361.1}

Vidnesbyrd for menigheden bind 2 kapitel 54. 383.     Fra side 383 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Yderligheder i helsereformen

Stor omhyggelighed bør udvises for at holde moderens omgivelser behagelige og heldige. Manden og faderen har et særligt ansvar for at gøre alt i hans magt for at lette hustruens og moderens byrder. Han bør bære så meget så muligt af hendes tilstands byrde. Han bør være venlig, høflig, forekommende og øm og især opmærksom på alle hendes behov. Ikke den halve omsorg vises kvinder når de er svangre, som udvises dyr i stalden.

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