And what influence does overeating have upon the stomach? It becomes debilitated, the digestive organs are weakened, and disease, with all its train of evils, is brought on as the result. If persons were diseased before, they thus increase the difficulties upon them and lessen their vitality every day they live. They call their vital powers into unnecessary action to take care of the food that they place in their stomachs. What a terrible condition is this to be in! We know something of dyspepsia by experience. We have had it in our family, and we feel that it is a disease much to be dreaded. When a person becomes a thorough dyspeptic, he is a great sufferer, mentally and physically; and his friends must also suffer, unless they are as unfeeling as brutes. And yet will you say: “It is none of your business what I eat or what course I pursue”? Does anybody around dyspeptics suffer? Just take a course that will irritate them in any way. How natural to be fretful! They feel bad, and it appears to them that their children are very bad. They cannot speak calmly to them, nor, without especial grace, act calmly in their families. All around them are affected by the disease upon them; all have to suffer the consequences of their infirmity. They cast a dark shadow. Then, do not your habits of eating and drinking affect others? They certainly do. And you should be very careful to preserve yourself in the best condition of health that you may render to God perfect service and do your duty in society and to your family. {2T 364.1}

Vidnesbyrd for menigheden bind 2 kapitel 54. 386.     Fra side 386 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Yderligheder i helsereformen

Det er et stort ansvar at tage et menneskes liv i hånden. Og at dette dyrebare liv ofres på grund af dårlig styring er frygteligt. Tilfældet med bror D's familie er frygteligt. Disse mennesker kan undskylde deres fremgangsmåde, men det vil ikke rede Guds sag fra skam og heller ikke få den søn tilbage som led og døde på grund af mangel på mad. En lille god vin og mad ville have fået ham op fra dødslejet og ført ham tilbage til hans familie. Faderen ville også snart regnes til de døde hvis den samme kurs var blevet fortsat mod ham som var udøvet mod sønnen, men en doktors betimelige og nærværende råd fra helseinstituttet redede ham.

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