Those who take the lives of others in their hands must be men who have been marked as making life a success. They must be men of judgment and wisdom, men who can sympathize and feel to the depths, men whose whole being is stirred when they witness suffering. Some men who have been unsuccessful in every other enterprise in life take up the business of a physician. They take the lives of men and women in their hands, when they have had no experience. They read a plan which somebody has followed with success, and adopt it, and then practice upon those who have confidence in them, actually destroying the last spark of life; yet after all they do not learn anything, but will go on just as sanguine in the next case, observing the same rigid treatment. Some persons may have a power of constitution sufficient to withstand the terrible tax imposed upon them, and live. Then the novices take the glory to themselves, when none is due them. Everything is due to God and to a powerful constitution. {2T 385.1}

Vidnesbyrd for menigheden bind 2 kapitel 55. 399.     Fra side 399 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

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