One of the greatest reasons for the declension of the church at ----- is their measuring themselves by themselves and comparing themselves among themselves. There are but few who have the living principle in the soul and who serve God with an eye single to His glory. Many at ----- will not consent to be saved in God’s appointed way. They will not take the trouble to work out their own salvation with fear and trembling. The latter they do not experience; and, rather than be at the trouble of obtaining an experience through individual effort, they will run the risk of leaning upon others and trusting in their experience. They cannot consent to watch and pray, to live for God and Him only. It is more pleasant to live in obedience to self. {2T 396.4}

Vidnesbyrd for menigheden bind 2 kapitel 56. 417.     Fra side 417 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Sand kærlighed til hjemmet

Bror M, du forstå ikke en kvindes hjerte. Du ræsonnerer ikke fra årsag til virkning. Du ved at din hustru ikke er så lykkelig og glad som du gerne ville se hende være, men du undersøger ikke problemet. Du analyserer ikke din opførsel for at se om problemet ikke er hos dig selv. Elsk din hustru. Hun hungrer efter dyb, oprigtig ophøjende kærlighed. Lad hende have det håndgribelige bevis at hendes omsorg og interesse for dig, der vises i hendes opmærksomhed for dit velbefindende, værdsættes og gengældes. Søg efter hendes mening og billigelse i hvad du foretager dig. Respekter hendes dømmekraft. Føl ikke at du ved alt hvad er værd at vide.

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