There are hypocrites now who will tremble when they obtain a view of themselves. Their own vileness will terrify them in that day which is soon to come upon us, a day when “the Lord cometh out of His place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity.” Oh, that terror might now lay hold upon them, that they might have a vivid sense of their condition and arouse while there is mercy and hope, confess their sins, and humble their souls greatly before God, that He might pardon their transgressions and heal their backslidings! The people of God are unready for the fearful, trying scenes before us, unready to stand pure from evil and lust amid the perils and corruptions of this degenerate age. They have not on the armor of righteousness, and are unprepared to war against the prevailing iniquity. Many are not obeying the commandments of God, yet they profess so to do. If they would be faithful to obey all the statutes of God they would have a power which would carry conviction to the hearts of the unbelieving. {2T 446.2}

Vidnesbyrd for menigheden bind 2 kapitel 62. 504.     Fra side 504 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Vidnesbyrd 19(1870)
En henvendelse til prædikanter

Paulus formaner Timoteus: »Lad ikke nogen ringeagte dig, fordi du er ung, men vær et forbillede for de troende i tale, i færd, (505) i kærlighed, i troskab, i renhed! Læg vægt på at oplæse skriften, formane og lære, indtil jeg kommer.« »Tænk på dette, lev i dette, så alle kan se, at du gør fremgang. Giv nøje agt på dig selv og din lærergerning; hold trolig ud dermed. Gør du det, vil du frelse både dig selv og dine tilhørere.« Hvilken betydningsfuld vægt knyttes der ikke her til en Guds tjeners kristenliv! Hvor nødvendig er det ikke at studere hans ord nøjagtigt, så han selv kan helliges ved sandheden og udrustes til at lære andre.

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