I have been shown families where the husband and father has not preserved that reserve, that dignified, godlike manhood, which is befitting a follower of Christ. He has failed to perform the kind, tender, courteous acts due to his wife, whom he has promised before God and angels to love, respect, and honor while they both shall live. The girl employed to do the work has been free and somewhat forward to dress his hair and to be affectionately attentive, and he is pleased, foolishly pleased. In his love and attention to his wife he is not as demonstrative as he once was. Be sure that Satan is at work here. Respect your hired help, treat them kindly, considerately, but go no further. Let your deportment be such that there will be no advances to familiarity from them. If you have words of kindness and acts of courtesy to give, it is always safe to give them to your wife. It will be a great blessing to her, and will bring happiness to her heart, to be reflected upon you again. {2T 461.1}

Vidnesbyrd for menigheden bind 2 kapitel 62. 521.     Fra side 521 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Vidnesbyrd 19(1870)
En henvendelse til prædikanter

Jeg beder indstændigt alle, især dem som tjener i ord og lære, til at overgive sig uforbeholdent til Gud. Hellige jeres liv til ham og vær en rigtig del af hjorden. Stil jer ikke længere tilfreds med at være dværge i åndelige sager. Lad jeres mål ikke være mindre en kristen karakters fuldkommenhed.

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