Brethren, you are required to exemplify the truth in your life. But those who think that they have a work to do to teach others the truth are not all converted, and sanctified by the truth. Some have erroneous ideas of what constitutes a Christian and of the means through which a firm religious experience is obtained; much less do they understand the qualifications that God requires His ministers to possess. These men are unsanctified. They have occasionally a flight of feeling, which gives them the impression that they are indeed children of God. This dependence upon impressions is one of the special deceptions of Satan. Those who are thus exercised make their religion a matter of circumstance. Firm principle is wanting. None are living Christians unless they have a daily experience in the things of God and daily practice self-denial, cheerfully bearing the cross and following Christ. Every living Christian will advance daily in the divine life. As he advances toward perfection, he experiences a conversion to God every day; and this conversion is not completed until he attains to perfection of Christian character, a full preparation for the finishing touch of immortality. {2T 505.1}

Vidnesbyrd for menigheden bind 2 kapitel 64. 549.     Fra side 549 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Irettesættelse mod egenkærlighed

Især bør prædikanter kende Kristi karakter og gerninger, så de kan efterligne ham; for en rigtig kristens karakter og gerninger er ligesom hans. Han lagde sin herlighed til side, sin magt, sine rigdomme og opsøgte dem som var gået fortabt i synd. Han ydmygede sig selv for vor skyld, så han kunne ophøje os til himlen. Opofrelse, selvfornægtelse, uegennyttig godgørenhed prægede hans liv. Han er vort mønster. Har du, bror A, efterlignet dette Mønster. Jeg vil svare: Nej. Han er et fuldkomment og helligt eksempel, givet os til efterligning. Vi kan ikke sætte os lige med mønsteret; men vi skal ikke bifaldes af Gud hvis vi ikke kopierer det og, alt efter de evner Gud har givet os, ligne det godt. Kærlighed for sjæle Kristus døde for, vil lede til selvfornægtelse og en villighed så vi vil samarbejde med Kristus i frelsen af sjæle.

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