Chapter 62—Exercise and Air In the creation of man the Lord designed that he should be active and useful. Yet many live in this world as useless machines, as though they hardly existed. They brighten the path of none, they are a blessing to none. They live only to burden others. So far as their influence on the side of right is concerned, they are mere ciphers; but they tell with weight upon the wrong side. Search the lives of such closely, and scarcely an act of disinterested benevolence can be found. When they die, their memory dies with them. Their names soon perish; for they cannot live, even in the affections of their friends, by means of true goodness and virtuous acts. With such persons life has been a mistake. They have not been faithful stewards. They have forgotten that their Creator has claims upon them and that He designs them to be active in doing good and in blessing others with their influence. Selfish interests attract the mind and lead to forgetfulness of God and of the purpose of their Creator. {2T 522.1}

Vidnesbyrd for menigheden bind 2 kapitel 65. 553.     Fra side 553 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Fanatisme og uvidenhed

Bror E: Da jeg var i Rochester, New York, den 25.December, 1865, før jeg besøgte Maine staten, så jeg nogle ting med hensyn til den rådvilde og nedslående tilstand af tingene i den stat. Jeg fik vist at en hel del der troede det var deres opgave at lære Guds ord offentligt havde gået fejl af deres arbejde. De havde intet kald til at hellige sig selv det højtidelige, ansvarsbetyngede arbejde. De var ikke udrustede for prædikantgerningen, for de kunne ikke lære andre ordentligt.

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