The season most to be dreaded by one going among these invalids is winter. It is winter indeed, not only outdoors, but in, to those who are compelled to live in the same house and sleep in the same room. These victims of a diseased imagination shut themselves indoors and close the windows, for the air affects their lungs and their heads. Imagination is active; they expect to take cold, and they will have it. No amount of reasoning can make them believe that they do not understand the philosophy of the whole matter. Have they not proved it? they will argue. It is true that they have proved one side of the question,—by persisting in their own course,—and yet they do take cold if in the least exposed. Tender as babies, they cannot endure anything; yet they live on, and continue to close the windows and doors, and hover over the stove, and enjoy their misery. They have surely proved that their course has not made them well, but has increased their difficulties. Why will not such allow reason to influence the judgment and control the imagination? Why not now try an opposite course, and in a judicious manner obtain exercise and air out of doors, instead of remaining in the house from day to day, more like a bundle of drygoods than an active being? {2T 525.1}

Vidnesbyrd for menigheden bind 2 kapitel 65. 555.     Fra side 555 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Fanatisme og uvidenhed

Lærerne fra de almindelige skoler kræves til regnskab af deres ledere for deres arbejde. Det undersøges nøje og forvisses om børn helt kan overlades i deres varetægt. Ved at (556) undersøge deres kvalifikationers fuldstændighed prøves de efter betydningen af den stilling de skal besidde. Jeg så at Guds arbejde er af meget ophøjet karakter og af så meget højere interesse, som det evige er over det timelige. Gøres en fejltagelse her kan den ikke betales tilbage. Det er af uendelig betydning at alle som går frem for at lære sandheden burde udrustes for deres arbejde. Intet mindre end streng ransagelse burde indføres med henblik på deres evne til at lære sandheden end for dem som underviser i vore skoler. Guds arbejde bagatelliseres af en slap, løsreven opførsel af Kristi bekendende tjenere.

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