The cause of God is prostrated. Your sensitiveness and jealousy have been an example for others. We met this spirit in Illinois and in Wisconsin. The state of the churches in ----- and vicinity has been deplorable. The lack of love and union, the surmising, jealousy, and stubbornness, apparent in these churches, have been shaped very much by your traits of character. The position which you occupied after the fanaticism at -----, standing back upon your dignity, splitting hairs, dividing the matter with the fanatical and with those whom God had sent with a special message, stood directly in the way of others’ seeing and correcting their wrongs. Your course at that time, in failing to take hold and work on the right side to correct that blasting fanaticism, gave shape to the discouraging state of things which has grown out of that dark reign of fanaticism. Brethren C and D, and the entire church at -----, and the people at -----, were not brought out upon correct positions, as they might have been had you been humble and teachable, working in union with the servants of God. {2T 546.2}

Vidnesbyrd for menigheden bind 2 kapitel 66. 564.     Fra side 564 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Råd til en nydelsessyg datter

Du kan blive en god, retskaffen og anstændig pige, men ikke uden alvorlige anstrengelser. Du må våge, du må bede, du må tænke og du må undersøge dine motiver og handlinger. Analyser nøje dine følelser og handlinger. Ville du gøre noget uanstændigt i din faders nærværelse? nej, bestemt ikke. Men sådan handler du i din himmelske Faders nærværelse, ham som er langt mere ophøjet, hellig og ren. Ja, du nedværdiger dit legeme i nærværelse af de rene, syndfri engle og i Kristi nærværelse; og du fortsætter dermed uden at tage hensyn til samvittigheden og uden at tage hensyn til det lys og de advarsler, du har fået.

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