The teachers of the common schools are required to be masters of their business. They are closely examined to ascertain if children can properly be trusted to their care. By investigation the thoroughness of their qualifications is tested according to the importance of the position which they are required to occupy. I saw that God’s work is of as much more exalted character, and of as much higher interest, as the eternal is above the temporal. A mistake made here cannot be repaired. It is of infinite importance that all who go forth to teach the truth should be qualified for their work. No less strict investigation should be instituted in reference to their ability to teach the truth than in the case of those who teach our schools. God’s work has been belittled by the slack, loose course pursued by professed ministers of Christ. {2T 555.2}

Vidnesbyrd for menigheden bind 2 kapitel 67. 567.     Fra side 567 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Til en prædikanthustru

Du må have en uddannelse som du endnu ikke har. (568) Hvem kan lære barnet lige så godt som moderen? Hvem kan lære dine mangler bedre som moderen kan for sit barn når hun dækker de mangler som himlen har skænket hende? Kendsgerningen at du ikke holder af dette arbejde er intet bevis for at det ikke er det arbejde som Herren har tiltænkt dig. Du har ikke tilstrækkelig fysisk eller åndelig styrke til at give dig til at rejse. Du ønsker at blive betjent, i stedet for at tjene andre. Du er ikke hjælpsom nok til at modveje den byrde du er for din mand og dem omkring dig.

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