Dear sister, we are determined to be impartial and not have our words or acts in any way influenced by hearsay. We have no pets. May the Lord give us heavenly wisdom, that we may deal righteously and impartially, and thus meet the mind of His Spirit. We do not want our works wrought in self. We do not want personal feelings. If we think we are not specially considered, or if we see, or imagine that we see, positive neglect, we want the spirit of our forgiving Master. The people who professed to be His followers received Him not, because His face was toward Jerusalem, and He gave no special indication that He was to tarry with them. They did not open their doors to the heavenly Guest, and did not urge His abiding with them, although they beheld Him weary with His journey, and the night was drawing on. They gave no sign that they really desired Jesus. The disciples knew that He designed to tarry there that night, and they felt so keenly the slight thus given to their Lord that they were angry, and prayed Jesus to show proper resentment and call down fire from heaven to consume those who had thus abused Him. But He rebuked their indignation and zeal for His honor, and told them that He came, not to visit with judgment, but to show mercy. {2T 566.1}

Vidnesbyrd for menigheden bind 2 kapitel 69. 572.     Fra side 572 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Forfejlet følsomhed

Du bilder dig selv ind at disse ublandede træk ikke eksisterer, indtil du kommer i en situation som får dig til at handle og tale så alle trækkene afsløres. Du er ikke villig til at se og indrømme at det er din kødelige natur som endnu ikke er blevet forvandlet og bragt under Kristi herredømme. Du har endnu ikke korsfæstet selvet.

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