Here is where very many fail. They do not consider that they are accountable for the influence they daily exert; that they must render an account to God for the impressions they make, and the influence they cast, in all their associations in life. If this influence is such as shall have a tendency to draw the minds of others away from God and attract them into the channel of vanity and folly, leading them to seek their own pleasure in amusements and foolish indulgences, they must give an account for this. And if these persons are men and women of influence, if their position is such that their example will affect others, then a greater sin will rest upon them for neglecting to regulate their conduct by the Bible standard. {2T 585.3}

Vidnesbyrd for menigheden bind 2 kapitel 75. 598.     Fra side 598 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Vore lejrmøder

Dersom alle, der bekender sig til at følge Kristus, ville benytte tiden uden for møderne til at samtale om sandheden, til at dvæle ved en kristens håb, til at ransage deres egne hjerter og under alvorlig bøn til Gud bede om hans velsignelse, ville en langt større gerning blive udført, end vi endnu har set, ikke-troende, som falskelig anklager dem, der tror sandheden, ville blive overbeviste på grund af deres »gode færd i Kristus«, Vore ord og handlinger er den frugt, vi bærer; »altså: af deres frugter skal I kende dem.« Vejl f menigh bd. 2 side 317-318]

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