We are seeking for purity and holiness of life, that we may at last be fitted for the heavenly society in the kingdom of glory; and the only means to attain this elevation of Christian character is through Jesus Christ. There is no other way for the exaltation of the human family. Some talk of the humiliation they endure and the sacrifice they make, because they adopt the truth of heavenly origin! It is true that the world do not accept the truth; unbelievers do not receive it. They may talk of those that have embraced the truth and sought the Saviour, and represent them as leaving everything, giving up everything, and making a sacrifice of everything that is worth retaining. But do not tell me this. I know better. My experience proves it to be otherwise. You need not tell me that we have to give up our dearest treasures and receive no equivalent. No, indeed! That Creator who planted the beautiful Eden for our first parents, and who has planted for us the lovely trees and flowers, and provided everything that is beautiful and glorious in nature for the human race to enjoy, designed that they should enjoy it. Then do not think that God wishes us to yield up everything which it is for our happiness here to retain. He requires us to give up only that which it would not be for our good and happiness to retain. {2T 588.1}

Vidnesbyrd for menigheden bind 2 kapitel 75. 601.     Fra side 601 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Vore lejrmøder

(601) Disse lejrmøder er af betydning. De koster noget. Guds tjenere opslider sig selv for at hjælpe folk, selv om mange af dem ser ud som om at de ikke mangler hjælp. Af frygt for at miste lidt af denne verdens vinding, lader nogle disse dyrebare privilegier komme og gå om de kun havde lidt betydning. Lad alle som bekender sig til at tro sandheden give agt på ethvert privilegium som Gud giver dem, for at de kan få et klarere syn af hans sandhed, hans forlangender og nødvendigheden af at berede sig for hans genkomst. En stille, venlig og lydig tillid til Gud er hvad han forlanger.

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