I dreamed that the Spirit of the Lord came upon me, and I arose amid cries and prayers, and said: The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me. I feel urged to say to you that you must commence to work individually for yourselves. You are looking to God and desiring Him to do the work for you which He has left for you to do. If you will do the work for yourselves which you know that you ought to do, then God will help you when you need help. You have left undone the very things which God has left for you to do. You have been calling upon God to do your work. Had you followed the light which He has given you, then He would cause more light to shine upon you; but while you neglect the counsels, warnings, and reproofs that have been given, how can you expect God to give you more light and blessings to neglect and despise? God is not as man; He will not be trifled with. {2T 604.2}

Vidnesbyrd for menigheden bind 2 kapitel 78. 620.     Fra side 620 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

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Nogle af vore prædikanter står direkte i vejen for Guds værks fremme og de folk som ser hen til dem som eksempler falder væk fra Gud. For omkring to år siden fik jeg vist vore prædikanters farer og følgen af deres kurs over for Guds sag. Jeg har talt i generelle vendinger om disse ting, men dem som har den største skyld må bruge Vidnesbyrdene på sig selv. Nogle er så forblindede af deres egen egenkærlige interesse at de mister øje for Guds værks ophøjede karakter.

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