Many who might be useful men are using up their vital force and destroying their lungs and vocal organs by their manner of speaking. Some ministers have acquired a habit of hurriedly rattling off what they have to say as though they had a lesson to repeat and were hastening through it as fast as possible. This is not the best manner of speaking. By using proper care, every minister can educate himself to speak distinctly and impressively, not to hurriedly crowd the words together without taking time to breathe. He should speak in a moderate manner, that the people may get the ideas fixed in their minds as he passes along. But when the matter is rushed through so rapidly, the people cannot get the points in their minds, and they do not have time to receive the impression that it is important for them to have; nor is there time for the truth to affect them as it otherwise would. {2T 615.2}

Vidnesbyrd for menigheden bind 2 kapitel 79. 637.     Fra side 637 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Sagen i Vermont

Bror D har mere end noget andet menneske haft interesse for menigheden på hans sted. Hvis han holdt sig borte i en kort tid med at arbejde, ville tungere og større byrder lægges på ham når han kom tilbage. Han har lade dem ligge på hans skulde og har bøjet sig stønnende af deres vægt. Brødrene D har (638) har været i fare for at være for nøjagtige og i fare for at fremstille deres eget liv og eksempel som et kriterium. Selvet er ikke, i Kristus, tabt af syne. Disse brødre bør sige lidt om selvet, men ophøje Kristus. De burde skjule sig bag Jesus og lade ham alene vise sig som det fuldkomne forbillede som alle bør forsøge at efterligne.

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