From the light that has been given me, there has been a carelessness in this respect. I might speak of it as Paul presents it. It is carried out in will-worship and neglecting of the body. But this voluntary humility, this will-worship and neglecting of the body, is not the humility that savors of heaven. That humility will be particular to have the person and actions and apparel of all who preach the holy truth of God, right and perfectly proper, so that every item connected with us will recommend our holy religion. The very dress will be a recommendation of the truth to unbelievers. It will be a sermon in itself. {2T 612.2} But things that are wrong often transpire in the sacred desk. One minister conversing with another in the desk before the congregation, laughing and appearing to have no burden of the work, or lacking a solemn sense of his sacred calling, dishonors the truth and brings the sacred down upon the low level of common things. The example tends to remove the fear of God from the people and to detract from the sacred dignity of the gospel which Christ died to magnify. According to the light that has been given me, it would be pleasing to God for ministers to bow down as soon as they step into the pulpit, and solemnly ask help from God. What impression would that make? There would be solemnity and awe upon the people. Their minister is communing with God; he is committing himself to God before he dares to stand before the people. Solemnity rests upon the people, and angels of God are brought very near. Ministers should look to God the first thing as they come into the desk, thus saying to all: God is the source of my strength. {2T 612.3}

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Sagen i Vermont

Kristus og han korsfæstet burde være vore tankers tema og det burde oprøre vore sjæles dybeste følelser. Den sande Kristi efterfølger vil værdsætte den store frelse som. han har udført for dem og hvor han end fører vejen hen, vil de følge efter. De vil betragte det som et privilegium at bære alle byrder Kristus kan lægge på dem. Det er igennem korset alene at vi kan værdsætte den menneskelige sjæls værdi. Så stor er menneskenes værdi hvem Kristus døde for ,så Faderen er tilfreds med den uendelige pris, han betalte for menneskers frelse, ved at overgive sin egen søn til at dø for deres indløsning. Den visdom, barmhjertighed og kærlighed manifesteres her i sin fylde! Menneskets værdi kendes kun ved at gå (635) til Golgatha. Ved Kristi kors' mysterium kan vi sætte værdi på mennesket.

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