The cause of God does not lie near your soul, and the example you have given the people of God is not worthy of imitation. In Minnesota they need laborers, not merely ministers who go from place to place when it is convenient. God’s cause must have minutemen who will not be hindered from the work of God or the call of duty by any selfish or worldly interest. Minnesota is a large field, and many there are susceptible to the influence of the truth. Could the churches be brought into working order, thoroughly disciplined, a light would shine forth from them that would tell all through the state. You might have done tenfold more in Minnesota than you have done. But the world has come in between you and the work of God, and divided your interest. Selfish interest has come into your heart, and the power of the truth has been going out. There is need of a great change in you, that you may be brought into working order. You have accomplished but little real, earnest labor. Yet you have been in earnest to obtain all the means you could as your right. You have overreached; you have looked out for your own interest, and have advantaged yourself at the disadvantage of others. You have for some time been going in this direction; and unless you are checked, your influence is at an end. Moses Hull went in this direction. His conversation was with covetousness, and he gathered all the means that he could obtain. His hold of the truth was not strong enough to overcome his selfishness. {2T 624.3}

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Overførsel af jordiske rigdomme

Min bror, du har et arbejde for dig, at bestræbe at overvinde (682) begærlighed og kærlighed for jordiske rigdomme og især selvsikkerhed fordi du har haft tilsyneladende succes med at sikre dig tingene i denne verden. De stakkels rige mennesker, der bekender at tjene Gud, er genstand for medynk. Selv om de bekender sig til at kende Gud, fornægter de ham i deres gerninger. Hvor stort er sådanne menneskers mørke! De bekender sig tro i sandheden, men deres gerninger svarer ikke til deres bekendelse. Kærlighed til rigdomme gør menneskerne selviske, nøjeregnende og overlegne. Rigdom er magt og kærlighed til dette ofte fordærver og lammer alle dem som er pæne og gudfrygtige mennesker.

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