The truth is holy and powerful, and will effect a thorough reformation in the hearts and lives of those who are sanctified by it. Brother E is capable of exerting an influence for good. If he subdues self and humbles his heart before God he can become a true bearer of the yoke of Christ. He can be a help instead of a hindrance to his family and to others. He weakens the cause of God in Bordoville because of the defects in his Christian character. If Brother E lives according to the light he has received, he will work out his salvation with fear and trembling, and, in so doing, will let a bright light shine upon the pathway of others and will glorify God. The case of Brother E represents that of others in the church who need the same work of transformation in their hearts in order to be right. {2T 639.1}

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Ingen prøvetid efter Kristi komme

Særskilte sandheder har været afpasset efter forholdene i de forskellige slægtled, som da levede. Den nærværende sandhed, som er en prøve for menneskene i dette slægtled, var ikke en prøve for menneskene í længst forsvundne generationer. Dersom det lys, der nu skinner for os angående det fjerde buds sabbat, var blevet givet til fortidens generationer, ville Gud have holdt dem ansvarlige for dette lys.

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