God cannot display the knowledge of His will and the wonders of His grace among the unbelieving world unless He has witnesses scattered all over the earth. It is His plan that those who are partakers of this great salvation through Jesus Christ should be His missionaries, bodies of light throughout the world, to be as signs to the people, living epistles, known and read of all men, their faith and works testifying to the near approach of the coming Saviour and showing that they have not received the grace of God in vain. The people must be warned to prepare for the coming judgment. To those who have been listening only to fables, God will give an opportunity to hear the sure word of prophecy, whereunto they do well that they take heed as unto a light that shineth in a dark place. He will present the sure word of truth to the understanding of all who will take heed; all may contrast truth with the fables presented to them by men who claim to understand the word of God and to be qualified to instruct those in darkness. {2T 631.3}

Vidnesbyrd for menigheden bind 2 kapitel 81. 687.     Fra side 687 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Ingen prøvetid efter Kristi komme

(687) Dit tilfælde har ofte bebyrdet mit sind, men jeg har ikke følt mig afklaret for at skrive til dig. Jeg har skrevet rigtig mange vidnesbyrd som er blevet givet for andre, nogle af dem, ville i mange måder sigte til dig. Formålet med at udgive Vidnesbyrdene er at dem som ikke er udpeget personlig, som har lige så mange fejl som dem som irettesættes, kan advares ved irettesættelser til andre. Jeg tænkte det ikke ville være min opgave at henvende mig til dig personligt. Alligevel, når jeg skriver personlige vidnesbyrd til dem som er i fare for at forsømme deres pligt for Guds sag og således have en skade, et tab for deres egne sjæle, føler jeg mig ikke fri til at forlade dit tilfælde uden at skrive til dig.

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