Christ points out the way in which those who have worldly riches and yet are not rich toward God may secure the true riches. He says: Sell that ye have, and give alms, and lay up treasure in heaven. The remedy He proposes for the wealthy is a transfer of their affections from earthly riches to the eternal inheritance. By investing their means in the cause of God to aid in the salvation of souls, and by blessing the needy with their means, they become rich in good works and are “laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life.” This will prove a safe investment. But many show by their works that they dare not trust in the bank of heaven. They choose to trust their means in the earth rather than send it before them to heaven, that their hearts may be upon their heavenly treasure. {2T 681.2}

Vidnesbyrd for menigheden bind 2 kapitel 82. 700.     Fra side 700 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Lyset medfører ansvar

Der er betydningsfulde lektier for disse børn at lære og nu kan de lære dem bedre end senere hen. Gud vil arbejde for disse dyrebare børn i fællesskab med de deres forældres kloge bestræbelser og vil få dem ind og være elever i Kristi skole. Jesus vil have disse børn til at adskille sig fra verdens forfængeligheder, forlade syndens fornøjelser og vælge den ydmyge lydighedsvej. Hvis de nu vil give agt på den nådige indbydelse, tage imod Jesus som deres Frelser og følge efter for at kende herren, vil han rense dem fra deres synder og tildele dem nåde og styrke.

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