Many do not manifest an earnest desire to learn the will of God and to understand His claims upon them. Some who attempt to teach the truth to others do not themselves obey the word of God. The more such teachers the cause of God has, the less prosperous will it be. {2T 683.2} Many to whom God has entrusted riches do not consider that they are working against their own eternal interest by selfishly retaining their riches. The apostle shows them that by becoming rich in good works they are working for themselves. They are laying up in store for themselves, providing in heaven an enduring treasure, that they may lay hold on eternal life. In distributing to the necessities of the cause, and helping the needy, they are faithfully doing the work that God has assigned them; and the memorial of their self-denial and generous, loving acts will be written in the book of heaven. Every deed of righteousness will be immortalized, although the doer may not feel that he has done anything worthy of notice. If the daily walk of those who profess the truth were a living example of the life of Christ, a light would shine forth from them which would lead others to the Redeemer. In heaven alone will be fully estimated the blessed results, in the salvation of others, of a consistent, harmonious, godly life. {2T 683.3}

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Lyset medfører ansvar

Bror P du bør oplære dig til at indse, at det fjerde buds sabbat er hellig og du bør arbejde for at løfte banneret i din familie og overalt, hvor du ved dit eksempel har sænket det iblandt Guds folk. Du bør modarbejde den indflydelse, du har øvet i denne henseende, ved at tale og handle anderledes, end du har gjort. Du har tit forsømt at komme "sabbatsdagen i hu, så du holder den hellig"; ,du har ofte glemt det og ofte talt dine egne ord på Guds helligede dag. Du har været uforsigtig og har på sabbaten indladt dig i samtale med de vantro angående døgnets almindelige emner, såsom gevinst og tab, aktier, markens grøde og forsyninger. På denne måde skades din indflydelse ved dit eksempel. Du bør gøre en forandring.

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