In exhortation in the prayer meetings some Sabbathkeepers have felt that they must bring in the Sabbath and the third angel’s message or they could not have freedom. This is characteristic of narrow minds. Patients not acquainted with our faith do not know what is meant by the third angel’s message. The introduction of these terms without a clear explanation of them does only harm. We must meet the people where they are, and yet we need not sacrifice one principle of the truth. The prayer meeting will prove a blessing to patients, helpers, and physicians. Brief and interesting seasons of prayer and social worship will increase the confidence of patients in their physicians and helpers. The helpers should not be deprived of these meetings by work unless it is positively necessary. They need them and should enjoy them. {3T 167.1}

Vidnesbyrd for menigheden bind 3 kapitel 15. 173.     Fra side 173 i den engelske udgave.tilbage


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