The greatest responsibility rests upon the church at Battle Creek to live and walk in the light, and to preserve their simplicity and separation from the world, that their influence may tell with convincing power upon strangers to the truth who attend our meetings. If the church at Battle Creek is a lifeless body, filled with pride, exalted above the simplicity of true godliness, and leaning to the world, its influence will be to scatter from Christ and to make the most solemn and essential truths of the Bible of no force. The members of this church have opportunities to be benefited by lectures from the physicians of the Health Institute. They can obtain information upon the great subject of health reform if they desire it. But the church at Battle Creek, who make great profession of the truth, are far behind other churches who have not been blessed with the advantages they have had. The neglect of the church to live up to the light which they have had upon health reform is a discouragement to the physicians and to the friends of the Health Institute. If the church would manifest a greater interest in the reforms which God Himself has brought to them to fit them for His coming, their influence would be tenfold what it now is. {3T 170.3}

Vidnesbyrd for menigheden bind 3 kapitel 15. 177.     Fra side 177 i den engelske udgave.tilbage


I løbet af de sidste tre eller fire år har adskillige vist interesse for Helseinstituttet og har gjort bestræbelser for at sætte det i bedre stand. Men nogle har manglet skarpsindighed og erfaring. Lige så længe som Bror A gør en uselvisk del og holder sig til Gud, vil Gud være hans hjælper og hans rådgiver.

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