I saw that there was a large amount of surplus means among our people, a portion of which should be put into the Health Institute. I also saw that there are many worthy poor among our people who are sick and suffering, and who have been looking toward the Institute for help, but who are not able to pay the regular prices for board, treatment, etc. The Institute has struggled hard with debts the last three years and could not treat patients to any considerable extent without full pay. It would please God for all our people who are able to do so to take stock liberally in the Institute to place it in a condition where it can help God’s humble, worthy poor. In connection with this I saw that Christ identifies Himself with suffering humanity, and that what we have the privilege of doing for even the least of His children, whom He calls His brethren, we do to the Son of God. {3T 173.3}

Vidnesbyrd for menigheden bind 3 kapitel 15. 180.     Fra side 180 i den engelske udgave.tilbage


For denne ene mands skyld, som ønskede at bruge sundhedens velsignelse rigtigt, helbredte Jesus alle ti. De ni gik uden at påskønne det arbejde der var gjort og tilregnede ingen tak til Jesus for hans arbejde.

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