The service of Christ is not drudgery to the fully consecrated soul. Obedience to our Saviour does not detract from our happiness and true pleasure in this life, but it has a refining, elevating power upon our characters. The daily study of the precious words of life found in the Bible strengthens the intellect and furnishes a knowledge of the grand and glorious works of God in nature. Through the study of the Scriptures we obtain a correct knowledge of how to live so as to enjoy the greatest amount of unalloyed happiness. The Bible student is also furnished with Scripture arguments so that he can meet the doubts of unbelievers and remove them by the clear light of truth. Those who have searched the Scriptures may ever be fortified against the temptations of Satan; they may be thoroughly furnished to all good works and prepared to give to every man that asketh them a reason of the hope that is in them. {3T 374.2}

Vidnesbyrd for menigheden bind 3 kapitel 32. 374.     Fra side 374 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

En appel til de unge

Folk får ofte indtrykket at religion er nedværdigende og at det er en nedladenhed for syndere at (375) antage bibelnormen som deres livsregel. De mener at dens krav er urene og at de, ved at antage den, må opgive al deres smag for og nydelse af det som er skønt og i stedet må acceptere ydmygelse og fornedrelse. Satan påfører aldrig mindre bedrag end dette. Jesu sande religion kræver af dens efterfølgere den naturlige skønheds enkelhed og den naturlige renselses glathed og ophøjede renhed, frem for det kunstige og falske.

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