The principles of justice required a faithful narration of facts for the benefit of all who should ever read the Sacred Record. Here we discern the evidences of divine wisdom. We are required to obey the law of God, and are not only instructed as to the penalty of disobedience, but we have narrated for our benefit and warning the history of Adam and Eve in Paradise, and the sad results of their disobedience of God’s commands. The account is full and explicit. The law given to man in Eden is recorded, together with the penalty accruing in case of its disobedience. Then follows the story of the temptation and fall, and the punishment inflicted upon our erring parents. Their example is given us as a warning against disobedience, that we may be sure that the wages of sin is death, that God’s retributive justice never fails, and that He exacts from His creatures a strict regard for His commandments. When the law was proclaimed at Sinai, how definite was the penalty annexed, how sure was punishment to follow the transgression of that law, and how plain are the cases recorded in evidence of that fact! {4T 11.3}

Vidnesbyrd for menigheden bind 4 kapitel 1. 11.     Fra side 11 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Vidnesbyrd 26 (1876)
Bibel biografier

Hensynet til retfærdighedens principper krævede en tro skildring af fakta til gavn for alle, der nogensinde kom til at læse den hellige beretning. Her ser vi de synlige beviser på guddommelig visdom. Det kræves af os, at vi lyder Guds lov og vi oplyses ikke blot om straffen for ulydighed, men til hjælp og advarsel for os har vi skildringen af Adam og Eva i Paradis og af de sørgelige følger af deres ulydighed mod Guds befalinger. Beretningen er fuldstændig og tydelig.

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