Brother C is not in a position to be a light to the world. Oh, no; he is a body of darkness. Eternity will reveal the fact that his inconsiderate words have planted the seeds of questioning, doubt, and faultfinding in many minds and that his influence has turned many souls from the truth. He has consented to make himself a channel of darkness, to communicate suspicion and bring discouragement upon minds. God is not pleased with him. His own soul is becoming less and less susceptible to the influence of the Spirit of God. He has but little faith; and how could it be otherwise, when by his words he is constantly strengthening unbelief? While he suggests doubts instead of letting beams of precious light shine upon others, he is aiding the enemy in his work. This spirit makes him almost an infidel, and unless he turns square about he will yet become one. {5T 286.1}

Vidnesbyrd for menigheden bind 5 kapitel 29. 286.     Fra side 286 i den engelske udgave.tilbage

Ikke-troendes indflydelse

Bror C er ikke i stand til at være et lys for verden. Oh, nej; han er et mørkets legeme. Evigheden vil afsløre at hans hensynsløse ord har plantet tvivlens, konflikternes og tvistighedens frø hos mange og at hans indflydelse har vendt mange sjæle fra sandheden. Han har ladet sig selv gøre til en mørkets kanal, overbringe mistanker og gjort andre modløse. Gud er ikke tilfreds med ham. Hans egen sjæl bliver mindre og mindre modtagelig for Guds Ånds indflydelse. Han har kun lidt tro; og hvordan kunne det ellers være, når han hele tiden, med sine ord, styrker vantro? Så længe han ansporer tvivl i stedet for at lade dyrebare lysstråler skinne på andre, hjælper han fjenden med sit arbejde. Dette gør ham næsten til hedning og hvis han ikke vender helt om, vil han blive én af dem.

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